To successfully get a loan required a lot to fulfill from bank. The upmost important was to fit minimum scoring and credit rating (DSR= Debt Service Ratio). Let us help you to optimize in short/long term planning to get ready for any bank loan application. Portfolio management involves personal/company profile and overseeing a selection of bank criteria that will meet the long-term financial product such as personal loan, mortgage loan & SME loan. Also to manage rejection risk of loan applicant or home buyer, as our duty is to maintain high approval rate for our customers.
Our Proposal Step:
Approach & Fact Find
To KYC client’s profile, identify & discover a client’s situation & criterial before proceeding to
next step.
Analysis & Problem Solving
We have a back-end team to analyze & rectifying client’s problem, measure potential risk and
provide genuine opinions before the consultant propose to our client by understanding client’s
Presentation & Assurance
Once our consultant finalizes the financial plan, they will send a proposal to our clients,
explain processing lead time, Pros & cons of the financial plan etc. To ensure our proposal fit to
the client’s need.
Liaise & Communication
Once client decided to engage with our services, we will start liaising with the relevant parties
to expedite the whole process, we will also follow up closely with the entire process.
Once documentation and everything are ready, we will submit the necessary application and
the result will be released soon. You will notify when the approval is right at the corner.
Final Approval
Once we got the approval, you will be informed via a message or calls from us or relevant
party. Meanwhile, our consultant will be still guiding you through the process till the end.